Welcome to our Spring Newsletter

Well, spring is here again and we have just had a glorious Easter bank holiday weekend, with another coming soon as we celebrate the Queens Jubilee. Spring cleaning and refurbishment works are happening at the practices with new surgeries being installed and exciting renovations planned.

While a lot of the UK has now gone back to normal we are still playing catch up with patient appointments here at the practice, but our amazing team of Dentists, nurses and reception staff are working as hard as they can to get everyone in for an appointment.

While I admit that arranging a check-up is still an issue, we are working hard to resolve this as soon as we can, new Dentists are starting work at the practice and a lot of the restrictions imposed by the Chief Dental Officer have now been lifted, meaning we can work as we did pre-covid and get back to normal.

Dental emergencies are still taking priority and we are still asking that you call reception on 01625 422502 to be triaged for an appointment. We are risk assessing and prioritising those more in the need of a routine appointment, but we will continue to send out recall reminders for check-ups as and when we can.

We are still asking people to wear face masks in the practice and are still using our patient portal to send out any forms that you would normally complete in the practice, so this saves time for you at the reception.

I would like to thank you for your patience while we are working on getting back to full capacity and hopefully, we will see you all soon for your check-up.

I want to share, that the practice family is growing with two of our dental nurses giving birth to their beautiful babies, congratulations Katie and Paris.

Dental Joke

Question: Why did the smartphone go to the dentist?

Answer: It had a Bluetooth

Tell us if you laughed and send us your dental jokes to get features in the next newsletter.

Margot's Missing Teeth Story

I had one of my teeth taken out near the front of my mouth. I became conscious of the gap in my teeth as I smiled.

I also felt like my other teeth were getting worse and I couldn’t smile fully.

My regular dentist suggested that I see Dr Syed and Professor Yates for a consultation and I have never looked back.

Read Full Story

Gum Health

Gum disease is caused by a build-up of plaque on your teeth, if you do not remove this plaque by brushing and cleaning in between them regularly it can build up and irritate your gums.

Click below for our tops tips to a prevent Gum disease.

Read Hints and Tips

Meet The Team

Name: Samantha Kiernan
Job title: Dental Treatment Coordinator

Daily jobs: To educate patients on all the treatment possibilities that are available to them to help them to feel better about their smiles.

Funny fact: Most people don’t believe me but I play Rugby!

Hobbies: When I am not playing or training with Rugby, I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and my little bulldog Manu.

I always knew from a young age that my passion was to make others feel special and comfortable in their own skin. It took a while for me to find the right role that suited me but now I would never change it. I love seeing patients smile at the end of their treatment and seeing them leave us feeling happier and more confident.

What better way is there to spend a day at work!

We are here to help

We hope the newsletter was useful, if there is anything that you would like featured in the next newsletter, please let us know. The best way to stay updated is on our social media feeds.

Kay Roberts - Practice Manager

Practice Manager